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Don't aspire to be the best on the team,
aspire to be the best for the team.


Played in Terms 1 & 4

In the sporting world, men’s sports appear more popular than women’s to watch and compete in, but that isn’t the case in volleyball. In the Rio 2016 Olympics, volleyball was one of the sports with the largest audience, with spectators supporting the women’s volleyball teams more than any other competition.

Volleyball is the second most popular sport in the world after soccer, and this is because when you join a women's volleyball team, you will be benefiting your body and mind by exercising and building social skills. However, an additional benefit is the amount of enjoyment you experience playing a sport with friends and being able to laugh at one another just because you can.

Download Association Rules: Volleyball

Download Official Rules: Volleyball

Download Score Sheets: Volleyball

Volleyball Venues

225 Cross Road, Cumberland Park  SA  5041

10-14 High Street, Kensington SA 5068

344 Findon Rd, KIDMAN PARK 5025

Tennison Place, Golden Grove  SA  5125

28 Percy Avenue, Mitchell Park SA 5043

53 Wakefield Street, Adelaide  SA  5000

139 Molesworth Street, North Adelaide  SA  5006