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2024 Reconciliation Round


Reconciliation means: “The process of two people or groups in a conflict agreeing to make amends or come to a truce”. It is often stated that Reconciliation is ‘Everyone’s Business’ and the idea of all sports, regardless of whether players are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples or not, coming together to recognise this event is very powerful. It is about standing in solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples from all over the country to pay respect and promote Reconciliation as an important issue in Australia, and for non-Indigenous Australians to come together with Indigenous Australians to acknowledge the past and work together for a more equitable future for all.

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will - and must - continue.

Our Association believes that acknowledging Reconciliation plays a very important role in helping to change the mindset of all Australians. It is also an opportunity for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to see their cultures being celebrated within their schools during this time.

Now more than ever, we need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation.

Now more than ever, the work continues…….

In truth-telling, understanding our history, education, and tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.  


Now more than ever, we need Reconciliation.