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Commitment Statement

Jesus Said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

Matthew 19:14

Created in the image of God, all children and young people are our most precious and sacred citizens with a voice that must be heard, respected, and valued. Accordingly, we, the people of God in the SA Catholic Secondary are committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of our children and young people.

We support the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as the foundation for child protection and believe that all children and young people have the right to be safe, happy and healthy. We are committed to being an inclusive, culturally diverse and resilient Church where God’s children can flourish.

Our Church strives to enable and empower children and young people to be part of the Kingdom of God as a safe and secure home. We are committed to a shared responsibility, a culture of safety which is underpinned by robust, responsive and effective policy and procedures. As we are reminded by Pope Francis, a future in which children are secure is a future where “every child is held in God’s infinite tenderness and God is present in each of their lives”.